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Shiken haramitsu daikoumyo

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Shiken haramitsu daikoumyo is a nine-syllable Japanese Buddhist mantra. Its kanji is 四拳 波羅蜜 大光明:

  • shi-ken 四拳: (shi "four")-(ken "heart" or "fist")
  • ha-ra-mitsu 波羅蜜: (ha "wave")-(ra "gauze")-(mitsu "nectar")
  • dai-kou-myo 大光明: (dai "great")-(kou "light")-(myo "bright")

Shiken represents four attributes of the heart:

  • Mercy, with love for everything
  • Sincerity, doing what is right
  • An attuned heart, following the natural order of things
  • Dedication to a chosen pursuit

Haramitsu means pāramitā, or the Buddha's satori: reaching Buddhahood despite worldly distractions. 波 are waves; kanojyo wa nami ga aru ("she has waves in her mind") implies that a person is unstable from worry and confusion. 羅 is gauze, which metaphorically clouds the mind. 蜜 is the nectar of enlightenment. 大光明 (daikoumyo) is a great, bright light; 光明 literally means "a bright future" (hope). According to ninjutsu as taught by Masaaki Hatsumi, there are lessons to be learned from everything—good or bad.


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